You’ve made me cry again Donna, you are pretty good at that. Giving away those religious icons was a beautiful gift plump with meaning. My parents still have icons on their walls and beside their beds; they even have a magnet of the current pope on their fridge. Those things will go with them.
Because of going to church so much when I was small, I still have some kind of affinity with the golden chalice, the candles, incense and flowers, the stained glass, the hymns and vaulted ceilings of churches. Even the buildings themselves have a strange hold on me somehow. I don’t fully understand it, but being at Sunday mass makes me feel more centred, even if I completely disregard what the priest says.
I’ve been working on a poem you inspired me to write (like a lightning prompt) when you spoke about a different love for different people in your life. I will dedicate that to you as a thank you. I’m trying to submit it to PSILY Poetry Sunday, but will publish myself if they don’t accept it. It’s a bit of a ramble of words, but I will let you know when it’s out there.
You are only the second person in my life who has ever said they can look up to me. The first is my dearest friend, who I met 31 years ago and still natter to on FB. I’m very short, only just above 5 feet, so it is surprisingly wonderful to hear those words. Thank you so much, Therese.