You so did the right thing Donna, wash off that guilt. If we’re religious, we feel extra guilty about everything. The abortion, I don’t think I’ve ever written the word before, was the best and only choice. Good for you. You are brave, strong, courageous and wonderful. The ‘He said what?’ quotes above made me sick; gross stupidity.
Whenever I think about abortions I remember the facts that exactly 18 years after abortions were legalised in certain states in America, the crime rate went down by an incredible amount. In states where it was still illegal or difficult to abort, the crime rate stayed high/the same. Nobody could work out why the number of killings/crime/murders/rapes was so drastically reduced. It all boiled down to women not having babies they did not want/not love and not care for in the previous 18 years. I think the statistics speak for themselves.
I know Trump promised to throw out legal abortions in the U.S. I figured he might or he might not, but he was better than Pence who seemed to consider taking out the abortion laws as his main agenda. If it continues to happen it is a disaster, a crime against humanity for women, not for the unborn.
I lost faith in my church too. I wrote about it on a recent post Notre Dame: Church on Fire. You were right about single mums being put into mental institutions run by the Catholic church. You were right about a lot of things, but mostly you were right about the choice you had the right to make in ending the result of a legitimate rape and subsequent pregnancy.
I commend your decision.