What an awesome experience you had Donna, thank you so much for believing me as much as you would someone eating a cheese sandwich. That is a gorgeous line and I think I will have to borrow it. I’m glad you felt that communion with so many others as well. We can be spiritual without being religious, I think that is what I am.
At my Catholic church mass last Sunday, the priest spoke out against a mother’s right to choose whether or not to have an abortion, that only God could choose. I ground my teeth and nearly walked out.
I hate the harm the Catholic church has done, probably causing more deaths and anguish than any other organisation ever. My husband believes that all wars are caused by religion; if you believe that then Catholic politics was more detrimental to the people of the world than Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini combined.
On TV news here this morning, Catholic bishops have come out to say they and their parishes withdrew support for the Labor Party in last weeks federal election because of their strong support for same sex marriage and ignoring Catholics who were previously strong labour voters.
Labor were expected to win and were ahead of every poll in Australia. They lost dramatically after distancing themselves from their Catholic supporters when it was found 60% of pedophiles in Australia were members of the Catholic clergy. I’m upsetting myself talking about this again.
I was going to read your Dear Daughter article, but was worried it was about your own child and you had me in tears over the previous one. I will definitely read it now.
Thank you very much for your heartfelt responses. It takes a lot of courage to say the things you have said. You are so open. Your words are powerful. Thanks for the follow and, just between you and me, I still pray for silly things. Stuff for me and for strangers, friends, relatives and those I interact with. I will always pray and always believe. It’s really refreshing though to have someone say that they believe me; not just about the ghosts I felt, but about all of it.
Thank you so much Donna; it is wonderful to meet you over words.