The Five Birds of Christmas
On the 10th of December a vulture came our way
circling with fear and dread
On the 12th of December an eagle hunted all
the creatures fleeing bushfires
helping the vulture
circling the smoke haze
two of five birds
bringing back more fear and dread
On the 19th of December a firebird came to me
lighting up our mountain
filling it with smoke
making me depressed
three of five birds
still circling with fear and dread
On Christmas morning my daughter gave to me
a glass hummingbird
giving me hope
crying happy tears
making me smile
best present ever
lifting away the fire dread
Later at Christmas Fire Service gave to us
a water bombing chopper
dousing the flames
killing the firebird
shooing the eagle
eating the vulture
bringing us hope
crying happy tears
and keeping us safe from bushfires
Photos are author’s own, poem to the tune of ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’.