Thanks for a utterly surprising article.
I love the life-savers story,
as an alternative to melting chocolate
in a hot summer.
When I was a little girl getting my hair cut
at a traditional barbers
with the red and white poles out the front
I could select a pack of Life-savers
when i was finally done with riding
up and down in the chair
and asking the barber Ludvig
what all the different bottles
had inside them
he humoured me
especially after waiting for my brothers to finish getting their haircuts
without any bother or questions at all
just begrudging reluctance
It was in the early 1970s
I was 4, they were teens
It took me like 8 minutes to pick a pack of LS
Difficult, Musk was my fave
With a Mum who said
sweets will rot your teeth
I always felt indulged by
the new do
being pampered
application of some nice smelling lotion
riding up and down ten times in the chair
and my own pack of Life-savers to savour.