Pat a Dog and have a Giggle
It’s good for whatever ails you
Thanks Carolyn, I don’t know if I’m resilient or not. If given a choice I wouldn’t want any of it, but like COVID-19 I didn’t have a choice in the many crisis's experienced that day. I muddled through it, scared, traumatised and paranoid, but I only got by with the help of my dog Thor.
Everyone is surprisingly resilient Carolyn, I’m constantly surprised by all the wonderful things people are doing while shut up in their apartments. In Australia people are dressing up in costumes to take out their garbage. And, for the children, there are teddy bears in windows facing out everywhere. It means kids can go on a bear hunt whenever they hop in a car.
The musicals, stage shows and ballets are broadcasting performances for free. The zoos are live-streaming the animals, so you can see them without a ticket.
Life is dreadful with Covid-19, but people staying in are finding new ways to be wonderful.
If I had a video of me jumping around naked, imagining more kangaroo ticks sucking out my blood, I wouldn’t be able to stop from laughing.
The things we do in uncertain times are madcap. If you can manage a small sense of humour, it’s easier to cope with anything.
And if there’s one thing I know from all the crises I’ve been through lately, it’s that laughing, smiling and sitting quietly patting the dog will really help.
Thanks for your reply, you made me feel good and that in itself means this is a pretty good day.