Large Mice, Redbacks, Goanna Porn
For you Holly
Screaming because of a worm? Nearly peed my pants. My fave bit is your co-workers putting up posters of spiders near you. Hilarious. Sometimes, our stress gets an outing in a different direction. I'm worried I'm going to lose my Dad soon, and it comes out by me ranting and losing the plot over not getting to watch a TV show I don't even like so much. Crazy, I know.
I'll have to put you onto my post about goannas or snakes. Real King Browns, one of the deadliest in the world are everywhere at my place; we've even had three baby ones and one six footer in the house. It went into my linen closet for hours, but that's another story!
Thanks for sharing your spider phobia, I have one of rats. My husband of thirty years calls them 'large mice' so not to alarm me.
I don't know that I'm that strong, just trying to hold everything together the best I can. I wrote a piece called The Way to Work last night. It's over ten minutes, which is long for me. Most people don't like my longer, more rambling pieces, but I've worked on it for a week because I couldn't concentrate and it's full of 'reasons to laugh and smile and write.'
I love the style of your blog and need some time to look at your how-to-blog posts. My blog is about birds and me, after 18 months I have a total of 13 followers, so not successful at all, but I feel the content is good as it's more than pretty pictures, there's info and BIRDSTORY too.
You'll find mine at: https:/ if you want to see a failed attempt to blog my a semi author who puts a lot of time and work into blogging.
Just as an aside, I have Redbacks, like your Black Widow Spiders-only worse. People don't usually die from them and I've never been bitten. When I use my dining room chairs for a formal dinner party, (when there's visitors) I have to check underneath for poisonous Redbacks. Always.
Nice to know you Holly. Oh, and right now, Australia is about the safest country in the world, along with Iceland and New Zealand. (We’re better.)
In summer, we do have daily goannas around the house though. (I often throw rocks at them because they steal my peacock eggs.) Plus the snakes and spiders are about, but apart from stepping on one now and then and getting a fright, I've never been bitten. Not even close.
I was going to write a story of two goannas mating outside my son's bedroom window. The female was on her fourth male in a four hour orgy, She was looking squashed and trying to squirm away. Once she did, the male put a razor sharp claw on her and dragged her back beneath him.
It seemed like goanna rape, but I guess it was just the way the species do things as she stayed and continued the orgy for another 12 minutes! She just seemed very shaky. I was possibly putting human emotions onto these massive 2 metre long monitor lizards as well.
We have bookcases, a library and stacks of books in most rooms, all overflowing. The only book I didn't want to read was one by Trump. A solid gold covered hardback I got second-hand, in mint condition because it hadn't been opened. I threw it at the sex crazed goannas and the big male didn't even pause his marathon thrusting!
Hope this doesn’t make you faint. Two goannas also fought over which one was the alpha male. It was in my garden. I was rather annoyed because they broke my favourite lavender bush wrestling to the death. Disconcerting, though I still photographed them from about six feet away.
What I'm trying to say in an erratic way is that the things that really endanger your life are mostly the fears and negativity in your head and not the beasties out there. Scary comes from within 99% of the time, not without. I live in the country on a farm, the bees, goannas, snakes and spiders aren’t at all common in Australian cities. Nothing much there besides traffic to scare the pants off you.