I love this sentence: ‘Life is a book in which you are writing things but as you turn over the page you cannot edit the previous page.’
I love the concept of writing your own life, own destiny, own happiness and your own success. We do, don’t we?
We do determine the outcomes of our lives. Always.
We make good, bad and indifferent happen in the way we react to our circumstances or what others around us say or do. Also in the way we feel about others who love us, hate us, dismiss us or govern us.
We can actively choose to be happy anytime. Hell, if there were people who maintained hope, optimism and even a modicum of contentedness in the most dire and horrific situations on earth, why can’t we?
I want to wish you all the success in the world M Sana Ullah Khan. Really, I do. I am a big time waster. I meant to edit my own work and finish 3 blog posts right now, but saw your post and it piqued my interest.
Now, here I am writing a long response because the whole idea of writing our own lives struck me like a car crash. I’ll be thinking of it for the whole of today and probably even next week. Such an amazing thought, such an amazing mind you have M Sana. I am quite impressed.
My next thought is that writing this response is cementing more and more ideas in my own mind, so it isn’t really a waste of my time at all. I am complimenting someone from right across the world on their incredible world view.
I am touching, in a small way, the life of a man I do not know. I think this response and the time taken in writing it isn’t wasting my time at all now. Our words may have a positive impact on two lives oceans apart. That is a good think I think. A very small success.
And that is my message back to you. Sometimes ‘wasting time’ isn’t so bad, it gives you reason to live and strange revelations, it makes you feel good about the small amounts of success you have in your life. It helps you to be better at the hard work and diligence needed to be successful in the workplace, and the relationships in the rest of your life.
Waste a little bit more time, though not too much. Success is more about the people in your life and sharing fun with them than it is about careers or money. I’ve never heard an old person about to die wish they had owned more things or had billions in cash; or worked to a higher position in their company. Often, the regrets of the dying have more to do with love, lost opportunities and forgiveness instead.
Be very successful, but don’t forget to live, and play- it makes the journey so much more interesting.