I love that you’re doing things that make you happy.
Patting your dog actually works better to lift your mood than some antidepressants, so I’m glad you are doing that one. I’m sure your boys are grateful that you are looking after yourself now as well. Also, we’ve just had Easter, so eating things that used to make you feel guilty is more than acceptable, it’s actually good to bolster your mood.
Don’t apologise, really. In the scheme of all things COVID, replying to me didn’t matter at all. I’m just glad you are getting through all the craziness in the best way you can.
I’m even more proud of you than I was before. Keep up the amazing effort; your doing great. Blow kisses to yourself in the mirror. I can’t believe how much more positive you are sounding in a single week. So good to hear; keep it up and keep smiling despite the doom and gloom on the news.
In a very corny way, I have sent my friends some virtual Easter chocolates. You deserve some too. They won’t put on any weight, or ruin all the good things you are putting into your body to nourish it, but you get the idea.
It’s all about positivity: my kind of made up word of the day. (I like the sound of it; into poetry and alliteration, I love all those i’s.)
Thank you!