I won’t say hopefully, but, I’m definitely willing you to get better. I just read a story that’s headlining this week from The Hollywood Reporter, about a wonderful Tony award nominated actor who got through Covid-19. It was sad and sweet, surprising, confronting, funny and definitely uplifting.
Beautifully written, it made me think a lot about the CV crisis. Considering what he went through and survived with flying colours, I’m seeing more and more that the human spirit is thriving in incredibly adverse conditions.
Broadway Star Danny Burstein on Harrowing Coronavirus Experience: “Strength Through Stillness” (Guest Column)
It’s hard to believe so many people are getting over the hell of CV.
The not-knowing must be infuriating for you, but like you I had a negative reaction to a flu shot three years ago.
It’s ridiculous that the number of available tests is so low in your country. Anyone with symptoms can get the test with same day results in Australia now; sometimes one hour notifications by mobile phone.
I had my flu vac last week too, but just got a sore arm muscle out of it. If you want a good laugh, I thought I had it, but didn’t. I told my husband to keep away from me because my head ached and nose was running like a tap. Crazy man that he is, he rushed over and slapped a big kiss on me. He was certain I had hay fever, and I did. It is still the best hay fever I’ve ever had, even though we are in mid autumn in Australia.
It’s going to sound stupid of me to dole out unwarranted advice, but gargling with mouthwash is good for blitzing sore throats, especially the alcoholic kind.
Also, honey has stacks of anti-inflammatory goodness in it. It’s natural, tastes yummy and has no side effects. If you let it sit in your mouth it coats the skin of your mouth and larynx nicely. Even black tea with honey is soothing.
And of course, chicken soup for your body or soul if you can get it. The soul stuff comes from relaxing, positive thinking, mindfulness, taking good care of you, re-reading all your old favourite stories, plus support from family and friends who love you.
Please look after yourself as best you can. And please, if you can, reply that you are okay. I just really want to know that you are okay. RUOK?
A ‘yes’ would be perfect.
Wishing you wellness, now, next week, next month.
If you get nothing else out of it, the gift for smelling the roses and blowing out the candles at the end of the linked article is solid gold.
I’m thinking of you. All the best, Therese.