Backwards Gnat, Forward Flea
Not a complaining tick, but perhaps an active bee.
Oh dear, I’m a big talking gnat who feels sorry for herself a lot. I daily try to win the fight with optimism, but pessimism is a bad-ass opponent who stings where it hurts. And it is easier to trust negativity.
I promised myself I would try to listen more last week.
I promised my family I’d try to talk less and listen more yesterday.
This morning I resumed the norm of ‘poor little me’, the only guest at a pity party, but it’s just gone midday and I still got time.
Heading out of here now to clean my house, make my bed, look out the window and take on another battle with my complaining demons.
Next week, some good, some action may have stuck. Because I am who I am and I’m here on Medium, I’ll probably write about it.
There, I’ve promised myself. I might still be a gnat, but perhaps I can transform into an active, annoyingly positive flea. An itty-bitty insect about to change my life for good.
Even if am still a gnat, or a biting tick bringing others down with failure talk, I do love a transformation story. Maybe I can brew myself a true life metamorphosis.
Maybe I can make it to being a hard working B positive honey bee.
Thank you for the motivation Kevin Horton.
Watch this space.