As an Australian, we and the rest of the world outside the US know that domestic terrorism is far worse and destroys so many more lives than terrorists from outside the US. Every school shooting is bad enough, and delivers enough brutal personal grief, that you would think they could actually do something about gun control.
My husband is what you would call a cattle rancher, and has guns. My son, my daughter and me, have never touched one of them. They are kept in a locked cabinet, bolted to a cement floor. That's the law in Australia after a shooting in Tasmania decades ago. That lock, that slight delay in getting the thing out of a cabinet saves lives, because it adds thinking time. Impostant in a crisis or depression and suicidal ideation.
The gun lobby is just too powerful around politicians in the US. But, since Sandy Hollow, I always wonder how many more children will have to be slaughtered to curb domestic terrorism
Thank you so much for presenting such uncommon views.
Thoughts that are thought about and considered, but not bravely written about in the way you have here.
I mean it, thanks for your courage.