All True
In the USA the news you hear/read/see is either red or blue ONLY. Different news channels for Republicans or Democrats. Americans who back Trump believe what he says; and all he says drives deeper civil division.
Regardless of political persuasion, it is horrendous that millions of people trust when their president tells them the coronavirus 'will all just disappear'.
Covid-19 will rage on for the next two or three years. If a viable vaccine is administered throughout every country, it will eventually fade down to minor cases. Then, as with seasonal flu, a new form will develop within another nine months.
This is the world now and it is wretched.
Republicans will not hear the truth of the mortality statistics, will not hear that America is losing the battle with coronavirus big time. It is, and may remain, the worst country affected anywhere in the world. Including all of the third world and all of the first world and every piddling little island or country in between as well.
First: stay home
Second: wear a mask
Third: only go out for food and exercise when really necessary
Fourth: stay safe and use the phone to keep in touch with family and friends
Fifth: don't trust anybody as 40% of those with Covid-19 show no symptoms
Sixth: wipe down all you bring home with disinfectant, wash hands, sanitise
All that is just a no-brainer. I feel sick to hear the rising statistics in the US every day. The land of the free is crumbling into this crazy political civil divide. The economy will fail in time too, like you said.
The CV plague is real, catastrophic and long lasting.
Australia has had less than 120 deaths overall and we're almost going back into strict lock-down again for the second time.
The bright side is that vaccine trials should be finished in late August and September. Every day I pray they work, the double blind testing, the antibody testing, the scientists, virologists and disease control experts working all hours for a cure.
Help should come to us by this Christmas.
Full recovery will take a decade and nothing will be as it was. The pace of the transformation is revolutionary. And it’s not just the new virus, but monumental social, political and economic changes that come and will keep coming.
It will be a different world, but things will get better.
Fingers crossed, legs crossed, with all the hope there is.