A Dog’s Love
One of the greatest things in life
I’ve been offline, my computer died, David.
Back on board and a big thank you for this comment.
I'm sure your dog Speedy loved you to bits.
I read somewhere that dogs are the only animal on the globe who love their owners more than themselves.
I believe it’s true.
What's more, Kelpies and other sheep dogs give 90% of their adoration to just one person. If that was you, you are indeed very lucky to experience such a bond.
Glad to have made your day, David; you say the sweetest things.
I have an old story about my dog, or my husband the shepherd's Kelpie Thor. Here’s the link, I hope you like it. It is about one of the worst days of my life, one the dog and me were kind of lucky to survive, but you know what they say?
Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
Here’s the friend link: https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/ticked-off-on-a-bad-dog-day-24a74ec5bf7d?sk=a66b550d570d4e7ffaba25d03a6dd933
It makes me think that today isn’t so bad right about now to look back on this Bad Dog Day. And here’s a new pic of Thor playing happily with his 3 month old son, Lenny.
- All pics are the author’s own.