A Clear View and Maids
I was thinking about the maid situation in India when I went to sleep last night. Those people driving out to pick up their maids where they live, bring them back to clean and then driving them back home again are endangering their own lives. It's kind of sad and funny, but it's not really abiding by the social distancing rules is it?
That situation could quickly go wrong.
There are so many people in beautiful India; such a big, bold variety of cultures. You must be missing the markets and outside stalls for eating and drinking, and just the bustle and noise on the streets. So quiet now, so devastatingly different, so many societal changes on multiple levels; it is a lot to take in, especially in three or four months.
Things are getting better, countries are flattening their caronavirus curves and things will reopen and be better. It can't come soon enough for India and the rest of the world.
In the meantime, look up the pictures of Everest, so clear it can be seen from below, and those brilliant pink Flamingos crowding in by the sea with that amazing glow of bright colour. Now that is stunning.
Your Mum might not have her maids, but there is something to be said for the cleaner air, the beauty of distant snow capped mountains and less pollution.
Out of the horror of this pandemic, the land is refreshed and gets a chance to breathe, becoming an awesome sight to a new generation.